I don't have a picture this week. My designated photographer is out tonight but I wanted to do my post on time.
I decided not to post after the midwife appointment last week as it was pretty uneventful. She checked my blood pressure which is fine and measured my tummy for the first time - its within the normal bracket, I looked at the chart in my notes and it looks to be at the top end of normal which I would expect as I am quite big.
The only things I had to worry about was the pelvic pain and I was advised to go to my GP for physiotherapy so I am just waiting for that to come through. Also she was surprised at my swollen feet as they are quite bad but she wasn't too worried as my blood pressure is ok so I just need to keep an eye on it.
The changes this week are not very many, I have found that I cannot do too much. Friday night I went to a work event and played skittles (living the high life) and found that hurt my pelvis, the only up side was I won!! (more luck than judgement). Also I did a lot around the house last night and I am suffering today.
I think I need to realise my limits and do a little at a time, I'm the type of person to not do anything for ages and then having a sudden urge and do everything at once but I can't do that anymore.
I will have time hopefully as have 4 weeks off work over the summer so I will use that to get the house done and getting all the baby equipment as I feel very underprepared.
Well that is the plan.
Till next week.
Mumma Milts xx
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